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Modify and examine defined open311 endpoints. o311_endpoints() retrieves a list of endpoints including additional information. o311_add_endpoint adds to this list to define a new endpoint that can be used for queries. o311_reset_endpoints restores the initial state of the endpoints list.


  jurisdiction = NULL,
  key = FALSE,
  pagination = FALSE,
  limit = NULL,
  json = TRUE,
  dialect = NULL






Name of an endpoint / city. This name can be arbitrary and only serves for identification in [o311_api].



Base URL of the endpoint for sending production-grade requests. The root URL commonly points to "georeport/v2/".



Unique identifier of the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction is typically defined as the domain of the respective city website. It is optional as most endpoints only serve one jurisdiction.



Is an API key mandatory?



Are requests responses paginated?



If paginated, how many requests does one page contain?



Are JSON responses supported? If FALSE, defaults to "XML" responses. See also o311_api.



open311 extension that the endpoint is built on. Common dialects include CitySDK, Connected Bits, SeeClickFix and Mark-a-Spot. Currently, this argument does nothing, but it could be used in the future to adjust response handling based on dialect.


List of key-value pairs where each pair is a filter. The key represents the column and the value the requested column value. All keys must be present in the column names of o311_endpoints().


For o311_endpoints, a dataframe containing all relevant information on an endpoint. For o311_add_endpoint, the new endpoint, invisibly. o311_reset_endpoints returns NULL invisibly. If the new endpoint is a duplicate, NULL is returned invisibly.


o311_endpoints() returns a static list defined in the package installation directory. This list contains a limited number of endpoints that were proven to work at the time of package development. It does not include newer/smaller/less known endpoints or test APIs. These can be manually added using o311_add_endpoint.


This function uses R_user_dir to persistently store custom endpoints data between sessions. To set a different directory, you may use options("o311_user_dir"). To clean up, run o311_reset_endpoints() which deletes the package-specific user directory and defaults back to system.file("endpoints.json", package = "r311").

See also


# read default endpoints
#> # A tibble: 69 × 12
#>    name            root  docs  jurisdiction key   pagination limit json  dialect
#>    <chr>           <chr> <chr> <chr>        <lgl> <lgl>      <int> <lgl> <chr>  
#>  1 Annaberg-Buchh… http… http… annberg-buc… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Mark-a…
#>  2 Bloomington, IN http… NA    bloomington… FALSE TRUE        1000 TRUE  uReport
#>  3 Bonn, DE        http… http…      FALSE TRUE         100 TRUE  Mark-a…
#>  4 Boston, MA      http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  5 Brookline, MA   http… http… brooklinema… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  6 Austin, TX      http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  7 Chicago, IL     311a… 311a… cityofchica… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  8 Newport News, … http… http… cityofnewpo… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  9 San Diego, CA   http… http… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#> 10 Köln / Cologne… http… NA    stadt-koeln… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Mark-a…
#> # ℹ 59 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: deprecated <lgl>, deprecated_reason <chr>,
#> #   deprecated_url <chr>

# get all endpoints powered by Connected Bits
o311_endpoints(dialect = "Connected Bits")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 12
#>   name  root  docs  jurisdiction key   pagination limit json  dialect deprecated
#>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>        <lgl> <lgl>      <int> <lgl> <chr>   <lgl>     
#> 1 Bost… http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 2 Broo… http… http… brooklinema… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 3 Aust… http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 4 Chic… 311a… 311a… cityofchica… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 5 Newp… http… http… cityofnewpo… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 6 San … http… http… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> 7 San … http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec… FALSE     
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: deprecated_reason <chr>, deprecated_url <chr>

# add a new endpoint
o311_add_endpoint(name = "test", root = "")

# read new endpoints
#> # A tibble: 70 × 12
#>    name            root  docs  jurisdiction key   pagination limit json  dialect
#>    <chr>           <chr> <chr> <chr>        <lgl> <lgl>      <int> <lgl> <chr>  
#>  1 Annaberg-Buchh… http… http… annberg-buc… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Mark-a…
#>  2 Bloomington, IN http… NA    bloomington… FALSE TRUE        1000 TRUE  uReport
#>  3 Bonn, DE        http… http…      FALSE TRUE         100 TRUE  Mark-a…
#>  4 Boston, MA      http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  5 Brookline, MA   http… http… brooklinema… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  6 Austin, TX      http… http… NA           FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  7 Chicago, IL     311a… 311a… cityofchica… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  8 Newport News, … http… http… cityofnewpo… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#>  9 San Diego, CA   http… http… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Connec…
#> 10 Köln / Cologne… http… NA    stadt-koeln… FALSE TRUE          50 TRUE  Mark-a…
#> # ℹ 60 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: deprecated <lgl>, deprecated_reason <chr>,
#> #   deprecated_url <chr>

# reset endpoints back to default