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Collect labels from metadata file






A metadata data frame created by metadata_create.


The unique valid labels or the user-defined missing labels found in all the files analyzed in metadata.


test_survey <- retroharmonize::read_rds (
   file = system.file("examples", "ZA7576.rds",
                  package = "retroharmonize"), 
   id = "test"
example_metadata <- metadata_create (test_survey)

collect_val_labels (metadata = example_metadata )
#>   [1] "Friday, 7th June 2019"                       
#>   [2] "Saturday, 8th June 2019"                     
#>   [3] "Sunday, 9th June 2019"                       
#>   [4] "Monday, 10th June 2019"                      
#>   [5] "Tuesday, 11th June 2019"                     
#>   [6] "Wednesday, 12th June 2019"                   
#>   [7] "Thursday, 13th June 2019"                    
#>   [8] "Friday, 14th June 2019"                      
#>   [9] "Saturday, 15th June 2019"                    
#>  [10] "Sunday, 16th June 2019"                      
#>  [11] "Monday, 17th June 2019"                      
#>  [12] "Tuesday, 18th June 2019"                     
#>  [13] "Wedneday, 19th June 2019"                    
#>  [14] "Thursday, 20th June 2019"                    
#>  [15] "Friday, 21st June 2019"                      
#>  [16] "Saturday, 22nd June 2019"                    
#>  [17] "Sunday, 23rd June 2019"                      
#>  [18] "Monday, 24th June 2019"                      
#>  [19] "Tuesday, 25th June 2019"                     
#>  [20] "Wedneday, 26th June 2019"                    
#>  [21] "Friday, 28th June 2019"                      
#>  [22] "Before 8 h"                                  
#>  [23] "8 - 12 h"                                    
#>  [24] "13 - 16 h"                                   
#>  [25] "17 - 19 h"                                   
#>  [26] "20 - 22 h"                                   
#>  [27] "23 h +"                                      
#>  [28] "DK/NA"                                       
#>  [29] "1 minute"                                    
#>  [30] "363 minutes"                                 
#>  [31] "377 minutes"                                 
#>  [32] "383 minutes"                                 
#>  [33] "388 minutes"                                 
#>  [34] "392 minutes"                                 
#>  [35] "409 minutes"                                 
#>  [36] "414 minutes"                                 
#>  [37] "416 minutes"                                 
#>  [38] "452 minutes"                                 
#>  [39] "454 minutes"                                 
#>  [40] "482 minutes"                                 
#>  [41] "531 minutes"                                 
#>  [42] "537 minutes"                                 
#>  [43] "543 minutes"                                 
#>  [44] "548 minutes"                                 
#>  [45] "555 minutes"                                 
#>  [46] "604 minutes"                                 
#>  [47] "613 minutes"                                 
#>  [48] "627 minutes"                                 
#>  [49] "656 minutes"                                 
#>  [50] "709 minutes"                                 
#>  [51] "738 minutes"                                 
#>  [52] "744 minutes"                                 
#>  [53] "747 minutes"                                 
#>  [54] "Two (interviewer and respondent)"            
#>  [55] "Three"                                       
#>  [56] "Four"                                        
#>  [57] "Five or more"                                
#>  [58] "DK"                                          
#>  [59] "MONTENEGRO"                                  
#>  [60] "SERBIA"                                      
#>  [61] "MALTA"                                       
#>  [62] "LUXEMBOURG"                                  
#>  [63] "REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS"                          
#>  [64] "Baden-Wuerttemberg"                          
#>  [65] "Bayern"                                      
#>  [66] "Berlin"                                      
#>  [67] "Brandenburg"                                 
#>  [68] "Bremen"                                      
#>  [69] "Hamburg"                                     
#>  [70] "Hessen"                                      
#>  [71] "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"                      
#>  [72] "Niedersachsen"                               
#>  [73] "Departements d'outre-mer [not covered]"      
#>  [74] "Nordrhein-Westfalen"                         
#>  [75] "Rheinland-Pfalz"                             
#>  [76] "Saarland"                                    
#>  [77] "North East [England]"                        
#>  [78] "Nord-Ovest [IT]"                             
#>  [79] "Sachsen"                                     
#>  [80] "North West [England]"                        
#>  [81] "Sachsen-Anhalt"                              
#>  [82] "Yorkshire and The humber"                    
#>  [83] "Schleswig-Holstein"                          
#>  [84] "East midlands [England]"                     
#>  [85] "Sud [IT]"                                    
#>  [86] "Thueringen"                                  
#>  [87] "West Midlands [England]"                     
#>  [88] "Isole [IT]"                                  
#>  [89] "East of England"                             
#>  [90] "Nord-Est [IT]"                               
#>  [91] "London"                                      
#>  [92] "Centro [IT]"                                 
#>  [93] "South East [England]"                        
#>  [94] "South West [England]"                        
#>  [95] "Wales"                                       
#>  [96] "Scotland"                                    
#>  [97] "Northern Ireland"                            
#>  [98] "Brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest"              
#>  [99] "Ile de France"                               
#> [100] "Istanbul"                                    
#> [101] "Central Hungary"                             
#> [102] "Acores [not covered]"                        
#> [103] "Attiki"                                      
#> [104] "Nord - Pas de Calais"                        
#> [105] "Madrid"                                      
#> [106] "Madeira [not covered]"                       
#> [107] "Canarias"                                    
#> [108] "Trabzon"                                     
#> [109] "Hovedstaden"                                 
#> [110] "Bratislavsky kraj"                           
#> [111] "Praha"                                       
#> [112] "Stockholm"                                   
#> [113] "Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki"                 
#> [114] "Groningen"                                   
#> [115] "Lodzkie"                                     
#> [116] "North-West [RO]"                             
#> [117] "Galicia"                                     
#> [118] "Burgenland [AT]"                             
#> [119] "Norte [PT]"                                  
#> [120] "Antwerpen"                                   
#> [121] "Smaland med Oearna"                          
#> [122] "Ipiros"                                      
#> [123] "Overijssel"                                  
#> [124] "Malopolskie"                                 
#> [125] "North-East [RO]"                             
#> [126] "Champagne-Ardenne"                           
#> [127] "Tekirdag"                                    
#> [128] "Pais Vasco"                                  
#> [129] "Kaernten"                                    
#> [130] "Central / North Transdanubia"                
#> [131] "Brabant Wallon"                              
#> [132] "Norra Mellansverige"                         
#> [133] "Severozapaden"                               
#> [134] "Utrecht"                                     
#> [135] "Lubelskie"                                   
#> [136] "South [RO]"                                  
#> [137] "Izmir"                                       
#> [138] "Oberoesterreich"                             
#> [139] "North Hungary"                               
#> [140] "Yugozapaden"                                 
#> [141] "Voreio Aigaio [not covered]"                 
#> [142] "Noord-Brabant"                               
#> [143] "Wielkopolskie"                               
#> [144] "South-West [RO]"                             
#> [145] "Lorraine"                                    
#> [146] "Bursa"                                       
#> [147] "Castilla/Leon"                               
#> [148] "Dolnoslaskie"                                
#> [149] "Pays de la Loire"                            
#> [150] "Ankara"                                      
#> [151] "Cataluna"                                    
#> [152] "Kujawsko-pomorskie"                          
#> [153] "Aquitaine"                                   
#> [154] "Antalya"                                     
#> [155] "Andalucia"                                   
#> [156] "Rhone Alpes"                                 
#> [157] "Kirikkale"                                   
#> [158] "Languedoc-Roussillon"                        
#> [159] "Zonguldak"                                   
#> [160] "Erzurum"                                     
#> [161] "Malatya"                                     
#> [162] "Gaziantep"                                   
#> [163] "Sjaelland"                                   
#> [164] "Zapadne Slovensko"                           
#> [165] "Stredni Cechy"                               
#> [166] "Oestra Mellansverige"                        
#> [167] "Kentriki Makedonia"                          
#> [168] "Friesland [NL]"                              
#> [169] "Mazowieckie"                                 
#> [170] "Central [RO]"                                
#> [171] "Asturias"                                    
#> [172] "Niederoesterreich"                           
#> [173] "Limburg [BE]"                                
#> [174] "Sydsverige"                                  
#> [175] "Ionia Nisia [not covered]"                   
#> [176] "Gelderland"                                  
#> [177] "Slaskie"                                     
#> [178] "South-East [RO]"                             
#> [179] "Picardie"                                    
#> [180] "Balikesir"                                   
#> [181] "Navarra"                                     
#> [182] "Steiermark"                                  
#> [183] "West Transdanubia"                           
#> [184] "Hainaut"                                     
#> [185] "Mellersta Norrland"                          
#> [186] "Severen tsentralen"                          
#> [187] "Noord-Holland"                               
#> [188] "Podkarpackie"                                
#> [189] "Bucharest"                                   
#> [190] "Aydin"                                       
#> [191] "Salzburg"                                    
#> [192] "North Great Plain"                           
#> [193] "Yuzhen tsentralen"                           
#> [194] "Notio Aigaio [not covered]"                  
#> [195] "Limburg [NL]"                                
#> [196] "Zachodniopomorskie"                          
#> [197] "West [RO]"                                   
#> [198] "Alsace"                                      
#> [199] "Kocaeli"                                     
#> [200] "Castilla/La Mancha"                          
#> [201] "Opolskie"                                    
#> [202] "Bretagne"                                    
#> [203] "Konya"                                       
#> [204] "Valencia"                                    
#> [205] "Warminsko-mazurskie"                         
#> [206] "Midi-Pyrenees"                               
#> [207] "Adana"                                       
#> [208] "Murcia"                                      
#> [209] "Auvergne  (not coded)"                       
#> [210] "Kayseri"                                     
#> [211] "Provence-Alpes-Cote d-Azur"                  
#> [212] "Kastamonu"                                   
#> [213] "Agri (not coded)"                            
#> [214] "Van"                                         
#> [215] "Sanliurfa (not coded)"                       
#> [216] "Syddanmark"                                  
#> [217] "Stredne Slovensko"                           
#> [218] "Jihozapad"                                   
#> [219] "Ditiki Makedonia (not coded)"                
#> [220] "Drenthe"                                     
#> [221] "Cantabria"                                   
#> [222] "Wien"                                        
#> [223] "Oost-Vlaanderen"                             
#> [224] "Vaestsverige"                                
#> [225] "Ditiki Ellada"                               
#> [226] "Flevoland"                                   
#> [227] "Haute Normandie"                             
#> [228] "Rioja"                                       
#> [229] "South Transdanubia"                          
#> [230] "Liege"                                       
#> [231] "Oevre Norrland"                              
#> [232] "Severoiztochen"                              
#> [233] "Zuid-Holland"                                
#> [234] "Swietokrzyskie"                              
#> [235] "Manisa"                                      
#> [236] "Tirol"                                       
#> [237] "South Great Plain"                           
#> [238] "Kriti"                                       
#> [239] "Lubuskie"                                    
#> [240] "Franche-Comte"                               
#> [241] "Extremadura"                                 
#> [242] "Poitou-Charentes"                            
#> [243] "Baleares"                                    
#> [244] "Pomorskie"                                   
#> [245] "Limousin (not coded)"                        
#> [246] "Hatay (not coded)"                           
#> [247] "Ciudad Autonoma de Ceuta [not covered]"      
#> [248] "Corse [not covered]"                         
#> [249] "Samsun"                                      
#> [250] "Mardin (not coded)"                          
#> [251] "Midtjylland"                                 
#> [252] "Vychodne Slovensko"                          
#> [253] "Severozapad"                                 
#> [254] "Thessalia"                                   
#> [255] "Vlaams Brabant"                              
#> [256] "Sterea Ellada Evia"                          
#> [257] "Centre [FR]"                                 
#> [258] "Aragon"                                      
#> [259] "Luxembourg [BE]"                             
#> [260] "Yugoiztochen"                                
#> [261] "Zeeland"                                     
#> [262] "Podlaskie"                                   
#> [263] "Vorarlberg"                                  
#> [264] "Ciudad Autonoma de Melilla [not covered]"    
#> [265] "Nordjylland"                                 
#> [266] "Severovychod"                                
#> [267] "Algarve"                                     
#> [268] "West-Vlaanderen"                             
#> [269] "Peloponnissos"                               
#> [270] "Basse Normandie"                             
#> [271] "Namur"                                       
#> [272] "Jihovychod"                                  
#> [273] "Centro [PT]"                                 
#> [274] "Bourgogne"                                   
#> [275] "Stredni Morava"                              
#> [276] "Lisboa"                                      
#> [277] "Moravskoslezsko"                             
#> [278] "Alentejo"                                    
#> [279] "Lansi-Suomi"                                 
#> [280] "Helsinki-Uusimaa"                            
#> [281] "Etela-Suomi"                                 
#> [282] "Pohjois- ja Ita-Suomi"                       
#> [283] "Aland [not covered]"                         
#> [284] "Pohja-Eesti"                                 
#> [285] "Vardarski (Vardar)"                          
#> [286] "Alytus county"                               
#> [287] "Border"                                      
#> [288] "Pomurska"                                    
#> [289] "Diber"                                       
#> [290] "Dublin"                                      
#> [291] "Osrednjeslovenska"                           
#> [292] "Elbasan"                                     
#> [293] "Berat"                                       
#> [294] "Primorsko-goranska zupanija"                 
#> [295] "Grad Zagreb"                                 
#> [296] "Istochen (East)"                             
#> [297] "Kaunas county"                               
#> [298] "Midland"                                     
#> [299] "Podravska"                                   
#> [300] "Durres"                                      
#> [301] "Mid-East [IE]"                               
#> [302] "Gorenjska"                                   
#> [303] "Tirana"                                      
#> [304] "Fier"                                        
#> [305] "Licko-senjska zupanija (not coded)"          
#> [306] "Zagrebacka zupanija"                         
#> [307] "Jugozapaden (Southwest)"                     
#> [308] "Klaipeda county"                             
#> [309] "Kurzeme"                                     
#> [310] "West [IE]"                                   
#> [311] "Koroska"                                     
#> [312] "Kukes"                                       
#> [313] "Mid-West [IE]"                               
#> [314] "Goriska"                                     
#> [315] "Gjirokaster"                                 
#> [316] "Zadarska zupanija"                           
#> [317] "Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija"                 
#> [318] "Laene-Eesti"                                 
#> [319] "Jugoistochen (Southeast)"                    
#> [320] "Marijampole county"                          
#> [321] "Savinjska"                                   
#> [322] "Lezhe"                                       
#> [323] "South-East [IE]"                             
#> [324] "Obalno-Kraska"                               
#> [325] "Korce"                                       
#> [326] "Sibensko-kninska zupanija"                   
#> [327] "Varazdinska zupanija"                        
#> [328] "Pelagoniski (Pelagonia)"                     
#> [329] "Panevezys county"                            
#> [330] "Latgale"                                     
#> [331] "Zasavska"                                    
#> [332] "Shkoder"                                     
#> [333] "South-West [IE]"                             
#> [334] "Vlore"                                       
#> [335] "Splitsko-dalmatinska zupanija"               
#> [336] "Koprivnicko-krizevacka zupanija"             
#> [337] "Kesk-Eesti"                                  
#> [338] "Poloshki (Polog)"                            
#> [339] "Siauliai county"                             
#> [340] "Riga"                                        
#> [341] "Spodnjeposavska"                             
#> [342] "Istarska zupanija"                           
#> [343] "Medimurska zupanija"                         
#> [344] "Kirde-Eesti"                                 
#> [345] "Severoistochen (Northeast)"                  
#> [346] "Taurage county"                              
#> [347] "Pieriga"                                     
#> [348] "Jugovzhodna Slovenija"                       
#> [349] "Dubrovacko-neretvanska zupanija (not coded)" 
#> [350] "Bjelovarsko-bilogorska zupanija"             
#> [351] "Louna-Eesti"                                 
#> [352] "Skopski (Skopje)"                            
#> [353] "Telsiai county"                              
#> [354] "Vidzeme"                                     
#> [355] "Notranjsko-kraska"                           
#> [356] "Viroviticko-podravska zupanija (not coded)"  
#> [357] "Utena county"                                
#> [358] "Zemgale"                                     
#> [359] "Pozesko-slavonska zupanija"                  
#> [360] "Vilnius county"                              
#> [361] "Brodsko-posavska zupanija"                   
#> [362] "Osjecko-baranjska zupanija"                  
#> [363] "Vukovarsko-srijemska zupanija"               
#> [364] "NORTHERN CYPRUS (Turkish Cypriot Community)" 
#> [365] "Karlovacka zupanija"                         
#> [366] "Sisacko-moslavacka zupanija"                 
#> [367] "(Re-)Married: without children"              
#> [368] "(Re-)Married: children this marriage"        
#> [369] "(Re-)Married: children prev marriage"        
#> [370] "(Re-)Married: children this/prev marriage"   
#> [371] "Single liv w partner: without children"      
#> [372] "Single liv w partner: childr this union"     
#> [373] "Single liv w partner: childr prev union"     
#> [374] "Single liv w partner: childr this/prev union"
#> [375] "Single: without children"                    
#> [376] "Single: with children"                       
#> [377] "Divorced/Separated: without children"        
#> [378] "Divorced/Separated: with children"           
#> [379] "Widow: without children"                     
#> [380] "Widow: with children"                        
#> [381] "Other (SPONT.)"                              
#> [382] "Refusal (SPONT.)"                            
#> [383] "Refusal"                                     
#> [384] "2 years"                                     
#> [385] "89 years"                                    
#> [386] "No full-time education"                      
#> [387] "Still studying"                              
#> [388] "Rural area or village"                       
#> [389] "Small/middle town"                           
#> [390] "Large town"                                  
#> [391] "Most of the time"                            
#> [392] "From time to time"                           
#> [393] "Almost never/never"                          
#> [394] "Tend to trust"                               
#> [395] "Tend not to trust"                           
#> [396] "Inap. (not 1 in eu28)"                       
#> [397] "Not mentioned"                               
#> [398] "The rule of law"                             
#> [399] "Respect for human life"                      
#> [400] "Human rights"                                
#> [401] "Individual freedom"                          
#> [402] "Democracy"                                   
#> [403] "Peace"                                       
#> [404] "Equality"                                    
#> [405] "Solidarity, support for others"              
#> [406] "Tolerance"                                   
#> [407] "Religion"                                    
#> [408] "Self-fulfilment"                             
#> [409] "Respect for other cultures"                  
#> [410] "None (SPONTANEOUS)"                          
#> [411] "You always vote"                             
#> [412] "You decided a few months ago"                
#> [413] "You decided a few weeks ago"                 
#> [414] "You decided a few days before the elections" 
#> [415] "You decided on the day of the election"      
#> [416] "You never vote"                              
collect_na_labels ( metadata = example_metadata )
#> [1] "DK (NOT DOCUMENTED)"                             
#> [2] "DK"                                              
#> [3] "Inap. (not 1 in eu28)"                           
#> [4] "Inap. (not CY-TCC in isocntry and not 1 in eu28)"
#> [5] "Inap. (CY-TCC in isocntry)"                      
#> [6] "Inap. (not CY-TCC in isocntry)"                  
#> [7] "Inap. (not 1 in qg1)"                            
#> [8] "Inap. (not 2 in qg1_orig)"