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Document the current and historic coding and labelling of the variable.





A labelled_spss_survey vector from a single survey or concatenated from several surveys.


Returns a list of the current and historic coding, labelling of the valid range and missing values or range, the history of the variable names and the history of the survey IDs.

See also

Other documentation functions: document_surveys()


var1 <- labelled::labelled_spss(
x = c(1,0,1,1,0,8,9), 
labels = c("TRUST" = 1, 
           "NOT TRUST" = 0, 
           "DON'T KNOW" = 8, 
           "INAP. HERE" = 9), 
na_values = c(8,9))

var2 <- labelled::labelled_spss(
  x = c(2,2,8,9,1,1 ), 
  labels = c("Tend to trust" = 1, 
             "Tend not to trust" = 2, 
             "DK" = 8, 
             "Inap" = 9), 
  na_values = c(8,9))

h1 <- harmonize_values (
  x = var1, 
  harmonize_label = "Do you trust the European Union?",
harmonize_labels = list ( 
    from = c("^tend\\sto|^trust", "^tend\\snot|not\\strust", "^dk|^don", "^inap"), 
    to = c("trust", "not_trust", "do_not_know", "inap"),
  numeric_values = c(1,0,99997, 99999)), 
na_values = c("do_not_know" = 99997,
              "inap" = 99999), 
  id = "survey1",

h2 <- harmonize_values (
  x = var2, 
  harmonize_label = "Do you trust the European Union?",
  harmonize_labels = list ( 
    from = c("^tend\\sto|^trust", "^tend\\snot|not\\strust", "^dk|^don", "^inap"), 
    to = c("trust", "not_trust", "do_not_know", "inap"),
    numeric_values = c(1,0,99997, 99999)), 
  na_values = c("do_not_know" = 99997,
                "inap" = 99999), 
  id = "survey2"

h3 <- concatenate(h1, h2) 
#> $code_table
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#>   values survey1_values survey2_values labels      survey1_labels survey2_labels
#>    <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>       <chr>          <chr>         
#> 1      0              1              1 not_trust   TRUST          Tend to trust 
#> 2      1              0              2 trust       NOT TRUST      Tend not to t…
#> 3  99997              8              8 do_not_know DON'T KNOW     DK            
#> 4  99999              9              9 inap        INAP. HERE     Inap          
#> # … with 1 more variable: missing <lgl>
#> $history_var_name
#>         name survey1_name survey2_name 
#>         "h3"       "var1"       "var2" 
#> $history_var_label
#>                              label                      survey1_label 
#> "Do you trust the European Union?" "Do you trust the European Union?" 
#>                      survey2_label 
#> "Do you trust the European Union?" 
#> $history_na_range
#> character(0)
#> $history_id
#> [1] "survey1" "survey2"