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latest_records <- doj_speeches()
#> body
#> 1 Remarks as Prepared for DeliveryThank you, Mr. Attorney General.Today’s indictment exposes a dangerous menace to national security – a double threat posed by a vicious transnational crime group operating from what it thought was the safe haven of a rogue nation.That rogue nation is the Islamic Republic of Iran, an all-too-familiar, repeat violator of human rights.This case began with our investigation of Iran’s efforts to project power and extend its tentacles of oppression onto American shores – through the targeting of an Iranian-American journalist who has stood up to the brutal regime, shining a light on Iran’s abuse of human rights and women’s rights.But this time, it was a newer actor who brought the campaign of violence into America: an Eastern European criminal organization made up of self-described “Oğru,” or thieves, who engaged in extortion, kidnapping, and – in this case – murder-for-hire.The charges unsealed today show how organized crime, in pursuit of profits and operating from a rogue nation, can pose a grave threat to our national security and to the freedoms that we hold dear.Increasingly, we are seeing national security and criminal threats blend, as rogue nations and criminal organizations make common cause and share capabilities. From ransomware groups targeting critical infrastructure to facilitators of sanctions evasion, these criminal actors embolden our enemies and threaten our national security.All too often, they seek refuge in countries they believe will protect and empower them – in this case, Iran.While they may think they are out of reach, our agents and prosecutors are uniquely equipped to combat this double threat with both law enforcement and national security tools.This case also highlights the evolving threat and increasingly brazen conduct emanating from Iran.I have spoken before about the threat Iran poses to our homeland through its networks and proxies.In the last year, we have charged members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) with a plot to murder the former U.S. National Security Advisor;\tWe’ve indicted Iranian hackers for targeting utility companies and other critical U.S. infrastructure;\tAnd we’ve called out Iran for a destructive cyberattack that crippled a partner government’s computer networks.We will not tolerate this belligerent and criminal conduct. Instead, we will hold accountable those who would bring Iran’s campaign of violence to our shores. We will hold accountable those who seek to silence voices for human rights and women’s rights.The charges announced today expose a dangerous – and ultimately thwarted – plot to export violent oppression to America. But today, we have demonstrated the strength and the reach of the Department of Justice and the rule of law.Today’s actions show that the United States will zealously protect freedom and hold accountable all those who would use violence to undermine it.
#> 2 This murder-for-hire plot directed against a prominent critic of the Iranian regime is yet another chilling example of the violent tactics used to silence those who speak out for the freedoms and safety of people around the world. This is not the first time the Department has disrupted an Iran-based plot against this victim. Last year, DOJ indicted four individuals connected to Iranian intelligence with a kidnapping conspiracy aimed at forcibly returning the victim to Iran. These charges are just the latest example of individuals in Iran directing deadly violence on U.S. soil. Last year, DOJ charged a member of the Iranian IRGC with an attempt to assassinate the former U.S. National Security Advisor.We have the solemn duty to protect the American people from hostile foreign actors who would seek to harm them. Increasingly, authoritarian regimes engage in and support wide-ranging efforts to undermine our core values and the rule of law. We face an alarming rise in plots emanating from Iran, China, Russia, and elsewhere, targeting people in the United States, often using criminal proxies and cutouts.The Department remains steadfast in our determination to defend our fundamental American values of freedom of expression in the face of all forms of transnational repression. To foreign actors who plot violence on our soil believing they are out of our reach, know that we will pursue you, wherever you may be.The lead defendant in this case was a made member of a criminal organization living in Iran, who believed he could get away with plotting to kill an American in New York City. Now, he will face justice in a U.S. courtroom.This is because of the dedication and partnership of the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and the National Security Division, who are working every day to defend our nation’s security.
#> 3 Remarks as DeliveredGood afternoon. Thank you, Kris, for that very kind introduction. Today we recognize National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. And we recognize 20 years of anti-trafficking programs by the Department’s Office for Victims of Crime.Human trafficking is a heinous crime with devastating consequences.Traffickers prey upon the most vulnerable members of our society.They exploit and control their victims, often through force, violence, or abuse.And victims experience unimaginable harm, trauma, and stigma – all of which can prevent them from receiving the support they need and deserve.The Department of Justice is committed to combatting human trafficking from every angle, and to vindicating the rights of victims and survivors.We are committed to expanding our capacity to prevent human trafficking, including by working with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners.We are committed to expanding our capacity to prosecute perpetrators of human trafficking crimes across all 94 of our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices.Prosecutors in our Civil Rights Division’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit work closely with AUSAs and law enforcement agencies to streamline investigations, ensure consistent application of trafficking statutes, and identify multijurisdictional trafficking networks. In addition, in June 2021, I established Joint Task Force Alpha in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security. The Task Force’s mission is to work within the United States and with our foreign partners in the Northern Triangle and Mexico to dismantle the most dangerous human smuggling and human trafficking networks. The Criminal Division’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section helps lead and has numerous federal prosecutors assigned to the Task Force. We also are committed to providing protection and trauma-informed assistance to victims and survivors of human trafficking.For two decades, the Department’s Office for Victims of Crime has led our efforts to protect and support survivors.In that time, this work has greatly expanded. In 2003, we issued almost $10 million in grants to combat human trafficking. By 2022, we issued more than $90 million. And that figure will grow even more in the year ahead, with up to $95 million in awards available. I am proud that the funding OVC manages is the largest amount of federal funding dedicated to supporting survivors of human trafficking.This funding is used to support direct services for survivors, including housing, employment, and legal assistance. It also supports multidisciplinary task forces, state-level capacity building, and a range of training and technical assistance – all aimed at combatting human trafficking.Together, these resources help ensure the safety and wellbeing of survivors. These resources empower survivors to help bring their traffickers to justice, including through testimony and victim-impact statements. And these resources help prevent future crimes. I am grateful to OVC – and to everyone involved in this work – for how much you have done to advance our anti-trafficking efforts thus far. But I am grateful more for how much you will continue to do in the years ahead. Your work has made a real difference in the lives of survivors across the country, and it will continue to do so year in and year out. Building an effective response to human trafficking takes commitment and collaboration at every level of government and beyond. It demands a multi-disciplinary approach, and partnerships between subject-matter experts, law enforcement, and stakeholders. And most important, it requires listening to victims and survivors and incorporating their perspectives into everything that we do. Nearly one year ago, I announced the Department’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking.This multi-year framework harnesses our law enforcement, prosecution, and grant-making capabilities to more effectively dismantling trafficking threats. The result is an approach to combating trafficking that puts victims first.And in the last year, we have put these policies into place.In support of the Strategy, we have released an updated version of the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance. This version incorporates enhanced protections and addresses specific considerations for vulnerable victims and members of marginalized communities. We have developed and disseminated expanded training resources for federal prosecutors, to offer strategies for enforcing restitution and forfeiture provisions for human trafficking victims.We have expanded the scope of our Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking, so that this program now covers both emergency and transitional housing.And we have launched an interagency Forced Labor Initiative to enhance the detection, investigation, and prosecution of federal criminal forced labor crimes. This initiative is led by a committee of experts from the FBI, the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, and the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security.As I said, these are great strides forward. But there is much more to do. So, as we celebrate our accomplishments over the last 20 years, we will also recommit ourselves to doing this important work.We will continue to bring the full force of the Department to the fight against human trafficking. We will continue to bring traffickers to justice. We will continue to disrupt and dismantle the networks that enable these crimes. And we will continue to show victims, by word and by deed, that we are worthy of their trust.I’m now pleased to turn the podium back over to Kris.
#> 4 Remarks as DeliveredThank you, Kris, for that introduction and for your leadership, which is so powerful, always. I want to say good afternoon to all of you, to Members of Congress, including Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, and to my DOJ colleagues here and to other esteemed guests.As you all know, human trafficking, be it labor or sex trafficking, feeds on exploitation and often upon members of our communities who are already vulnerable, like unhoused youth, persons without lawful immigration status or those experiencing poverty. Data also suggest that while human trafficking impacts every racial and ethnic group in America, it disproportionately impacts Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color. Victims of human trafficking often face challenges in accessing trauma-informed and culturally responsive assistance and support and may encounter numerous obstacles when accessing justice or services. Human trafficking, with its complex and interlocking issues, demands the best of us and the best from us.It is imperative that we employ victim-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive approaches to this work. Over the years we’ve learned not just the value of this approach, but frankly, the consequence of its failure. Earning the trust of survivors is an important step in detecting trafficking in the first place. Building rapport and engaging with survivors is instrumental to removing barriers that can otherwise prevent survivors from coming forward, accessing services and from potentially participating as witnesses in successful investigations and prosecutions of human trafficking cases. And finally, continued and collaborative engagement with this process and people with lived experiences is fundamental to a holistic and enduring effort to build capacity to respond to human trafficking. Progress is not guaranteed. It is hard-fought, and it is earned by the hard work we — and especially all of you — put in day after day. You all move us towards progress.The Justice Department’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking reflects the department’s whole-of-agency approach to ensuring that victims of human trafficking are properly identified and receive the necessary support and services to heal and ultimately, to thrive.Our FBI Crimes Against Children and Human Trafficking Unit partners with a range of federal, state, local and Tribal authorities to identify and investigate these crimes.Our FBI Victim Services Division makes certain that identified victims understand their rights under the Victims Rights and Restitution Act and Crime Victims’ Rights Act and are provided critical services immediately following identification.Our specialized prosecutors in the Civil Rights Division’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit and the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section work with U.S. Attorneys’ Offices nationwide to strategically and compassionately prosecute these cases.Our Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section helps recover traffickers’ ill-gotten gains and ensure that survivors receive the mandatory restitution they’re entitled to. They also build affirmative cases against traffickers by identifying money flows and related financial investigative steps to identify the traffickers’ financial networks with a particular focus on money laundering charges.Our Office of Justice Programs provide grants, training, technical assistance, research, statistics, and other resources to improve our capacity to respond to human trafficking.And as you just heard from Kris in her welcome remarks, OVC in particular is spearheading our grant making efforts, making it possible for communities to better serve trafficking survivors.Our Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) funds community-based efforts to address the needs of children and youth victims of sex trafficking. OVW also provides funding to support prevention, intervention, and response activities, including culturally specific supportive services for American Indian and Alaska Native victims of sex trafficking. I am so proud of the work and the progress this department has made and of the transformations in the anti-trafficking field, including many spearheaded by the Office for Victims of Crime.Over the past two decades, the funding and resources provided by OVC to grantees and partners throughout the nation has grown exponentially, as Congress has recognized the vital importance of expanding access to comprehensive victim services. Currently, OVC manages an unprecedented number of anti-trafficking projects and grants, working with an exceptional range of organizations — many of whom are represented actually in this room today — who are providing services to a record number of victims and survivors of human trafficking. The performance data OVC grantees report tells the story of the incredible volume of case management, housing, legal, employment, supportive and mental health services that they have provided. In the most recent reporting period, between July 2021 and June 2022, grantees reported assisting well over 16,000 individuals across the country. That’s a record-high number that reflects both the enormous impact of this funding but really illustrates a mere fraction of the harm that trafficking causes. So, as everyone has said before me, while we have much to celebrate, we remember and use today to remember that still so much more must be done for the most vulnerable among us. Knowing that you all are committed to doing this work with us a great hope because you are the best of us, and you will move us from progress to promise. I now have the pleasure of introducing my colleague Kristen Clarke, the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, whose lawyers and prosecutor and staff have bene hard at work tacking human trafficking. So, please join me in welcoming AAG Clarke to the podium. Thank you.
#> 5 Remarks as Prepared for DeliveryGood afternoon.It is an honor to be here among you all today. Welcome to this anniversary commemoration to reflect on the department’s efforts to advance the nation’s response to human trafficking and for joining us in our enduring cause to help crime survivors find their justice.Thank you, Attorney General Garland, Associate Attorney General Gupta, Assistant Attorney General Clarke, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Solomon, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, colleagues, friends and fellow champions in our cause for joining us today.We observed Dr. King’s birthday earlier this month and it reminded me of his words.“We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always right to do right.”The Department of Justice, through its components, has built a multi-layered and robust response to the crime of human trafficking. Over the course of today’s program, you will hear about how DOJ, along with our federal partners, Congressional champions, stakeholders in the field, grantees and survivors of human trafficking have worked together over the past 20 years to ensure that survivors find healing and justice.OVC first started in the anti-trafficking field in 1998 when we awarded our very first grant with funding from the Victims of Crime Act, or VOCA. It wasn’t a lot of money, and you could say what we knew about trafficking at that time wasn’t much more. But we knew there were survivors in need, and that grant provided a path to assist them and a path for OVC to learn.Two years later, with the passage of the landmark Trafficking Victims Protection Act, we were able to develop, expand, and strengthen services to reach more survivors. And before we knew it, Congress appropriated $10 million dollars to OVC in 2002, and we dug in. The following year, in 2003, we funded the first 12 programs under the Services for Trafficking Victims Discretionary grant program.These programs were comprehensive, inclusive of all victims and all forms of human trafficking, and flexible so that service providers could be responsive to a wide array of needs.This marked the beginning of a new chapter in OVC’s history and an enhanced focus within our organization. Our aim was to raise awareness, identify survivors and connect them to much-needed services. In 2010, OVC partnered with the Bureau of Justice Assistance to begin co-funding what’s known as the Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking. These multi-disciplinary task forces use a holistic approach to identify victims of trafficking, address their unique needs, and prosecute cases at the federal, Tribal, state, and local levels.Working with all our partners across the country, we were able to identify strong or promising practices which share in resources such as the Development and Operations Roadmap for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces; the Faces of Human Trafficking online video series and most recently our anti-trafficking graphic novels written for young survivors of trafficking to help them navigate the judicial system.Today, all of the Office of Justice Programs’ law enforcement, juvenile justice and victim services human trafficking initiatives are housed within OVC; collaborating and modeling the multi-disciplinary approach we promote in our programs. And we’ve gone from $10 million in 2003 to this year awarding over $90 million in grant funding. Our grantees have gone from serving just over 5,000 clients in 2016 to today serving an unprecedented 16,000 clients based on our most recent reporting period. Our Human Trafficking Division, lead by Brecht Donoghue, and made up of nine dedicated professionals manages approximately 500 grant awards worth $360 million. I know I may be a bit biased, but I believe our Human Trafficking Division is one of the hardest working teams in OJP. I’d like to ask the Human Trafficking Division staff who are here with us today, to stand and be acknowledged. Now, that is truly something to celebrate.Getting to where we are in our country’s efforts to end human trafficking took all of us. It took the loud voices, the quiet voices, the sometimes shaking but still strong voices. It took the brave voices of those who survived, and those who spoke for the ones who could no longer. Your voices have been lifted up and have shaped what we know today and will form what we learn tomorrow.It took the work of victim service providers and advocates who walked side-by-side with survivors and created programs to meet their needs, wherever they were. Adapting, collaborating, expanding and innovating to make sure no one was left behind but, more importantly, to make certain that everybody was included.It took the work of health care providers who understood the unique physical and mental health care needs these patients often required. Recognizing that providing culturally responsive, patient-centered care is a critical component to meeting survivors where they are.It took the work of dedicated law enforcement officers and prosecutors who were trained in trauma-informed techniques. Knowing that justice may look different for each survivor but that everyone deserves the same access to that justice.It took law makers and appropriators who were open to the idea that combatting and responding to human trafficking is not just a whole of government concept but a whole of society imperative. Appreciating that funding is the lifeblood of these efforts and getting it in the hands of the people doing the work is not only a matter of how, but how fast.As far as we’ve come, and as much as we are here to celebrate the good work that has been done; it’s clear, we have miles to go and work yet to do to end trafficking and provide pathways towards healing. It will take all of us, and it will take all we’ve got.That’s why today we have arranged for you to hear – quoting Dr. King again, the “passionate concern of dedicated individuals” from Department of Justice leadership to pioneers and innovators in the field, to individuals who’ve survived. They’re going to talk about our theme today: Collaboration, Transformation, and Impact, and they are going to talk about how the funding made possible by Congress for services, training and technical assistance, is critical to moving the needle for survivors of human trafficking across the country.With that, it is my distinct honor to introduce our first speaker today. Now, as Attorney General you can imagine there are a few issues that require your time and attention. When it comes to matters that impact people, when it comes to survivors of crime, this Attorney General understands the importance of his presence. This, no doubt, comes from his firsthand experience working with victims of crime as both an AUSA and as the lead prosecutor on the Oklahoma City bombing cases. When you hear him talk about our duty to serve crime victims, you know you are listening to a true champion for justice. We thank you for speaking with us today on this important topic on this important occasion.Distinguished guests, it’s my pleasure to introduce the 86th Attorney General of the United States Merrick Garland.
#> 6 Remarks as DeliveredGood afternoon. And welcome to Members of Congress, including Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Attorney General Garland, Associate Attorney General Gupta, all of our esteemed guests. I am honored to join you in celebrating OVC’s tremendous achievements over the past two decades.Human trafficking is often described as a form of modern-day slavery because of the ways it degrades human dignity, erodes inalienable rights and subjects other human beings to a state of servitude. While slaveholders in the 18th and 19th centuries used whips, chains and physical restraints, contemporary trafficking crimes often rely on invisible schemes of deception, debts, threats and insidious forms of psychological manipulation to bind victims to perpetrators. Traffickers target people of color, people who are experiencing homelessness or are facing substance abuse. They target those who are experiencing trauma from sexual or physical abuse, young people thrown out of their families for identifying as LGBTQ+. Traffickers manipulate individuals with cognitive disabilities, and they prey on persons with limited English proficiency or little access to education, or those who lack of immigration status, who are often unaware of the laws that protect them.Since the Civil Rights Division’s founding 65 years ago, enforcing these prohibitions against involuntary servitude have been a cornerstone of our mission as we’ve worked to uphold otherwise elusive Constitutional promises of freedom and equality. And after the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 expanded the statutory prohibitions and the tools available to the department, the division established a dedicated Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit to consolidate specialized anti-trafficking expertise. The unit has since been widely recognized, both nationally and globally, for advancing victim-centered, trauma-informed anti-trafficking strategies and for leading interagency enforcement initiatives to bring high-impact trafficking prosecutions, in partnership with our U.S. Attorneys’ Offices nationwide, in partnership with OVC and with other key anti-trafficking partners throughout the department and beyond. Just to underscore the urgency of this important work to bring traffickers to justice, earlier this week, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia sentenced three defendants to serve time in federal prison for conspiracy to commit forced labor for compelling the domestic labor of a Pakistani woman for 12 years. The defendants compelled the victim to serve the family as a domestic servant, using physical and verbal abuse, restricting her communication with her family back in her home country, confiscating her immigration documents, confiscating her money, threatening to separate her from her children by deporting her to Pakistan and more. They slapped, kicked and pushed the victim, even beat her with wooden board, and on one occasion hog-tied her hands and feet and dragged her down the stairs in front of her children. Last week, in an indictment that was unsealed in the Western District of Wisconsin, we charged a Wisconsin man with one count of labor trafficking for using force, threats of force and coercion to cause an adult woman to engage in forced labor for nearly two years.From the time of OVC’s formation, the division has worked hand-in-hand with OVC and other key partners to seek justice for human trafficking victims. Our work alongside OVC on behalf of trafficking victims and survivors is a natural extension of the division’s core mission of abolishing the legacy of slavery and servitude; upholding the Constitution; and vindicating the rights of the most vulnerable. As we emphasized many years ago when announcing the formation of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit,“Since the inception of the Civil Rights Division, [it] has led the fight against crimes that perpetuate a legacy of slavery and servitude. Whether these crimes took the form of lynchings and cross-burnings by night, or compelled servitude and bondage by day, they all entrenched a legacy of oppression against vulnerable members of our society. Modern-day slavery has taken on new forms … but the struggle remains the same – to vindicate the rights of marginalized members of our society who would otherwise have no voice, and who would otherwise be denied the guarantees of freedom and liberty that form the core of our Constitution.”Our close collaboration with OVC reflects the recognition that the three pillars of global anti-trafficking efforts — protecting victims, prosecuting perpetrators and preventing proliferation — are inseparable from each other and are all essential to our fight against human trafficking. In order to bring traffickers to justice, we must provide victims the protections they need to safely come forward and speak out against their traffickers. And in order to provide victims and other vulnerable people meaningful protection from trafficking threats, we must not only provide them assistance as they work to reclaim and rebuild their lives; we must also hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes and dismantle trafficking enterprises so they cannot revert to victimizing others.To give an example of what such accountability looks like, in December, a federal judge sentenced an Alabama trafficker to 60 years in prison and ordered him to pay almost a million dollars in restitution to five victims in a case prosecuted by the department. The trafficker targeted women struggling with substance abuse issues and preyed upon them by increasing their heroin use. Then the trafficker withheld opioids from the victims to induce extremely painful withdrawal sickness and compel them to engage in commercial sex. He beat the women and threatened to send sexually explicit images of them to their families. At trial, the victims testified courageously against the trafficker. The victims remain in recovery to this today, and they are now on the road to reclaiming their lives – thanks in part to the services and support they received. One now works for the organization that helped her, working to aid other victims. And that is the lasting impact of collaboration.So, this work requires strong partnerships, and OVC’s work in funding victim service providers and training task force partners has proven vital to identifying, stabilizing and supporting more survivors than ever before. OVC’s efforts, in collaboration with victim service grantees — including some who are here today — are essential to empowering survivors to speak out against their traffickers, often enabling them to testify as witnesses in criminal cases.In recent years, we’ve also worked closely with OVC to amplify the voices of survivors and incorporate the survivor expertise into our work and into ability to detect, investigate, and prosecute these cases. And we’re grateful for OVC’s role in expanding the ongoing dialogue among survivor-experts, victim specialists and law enforcement as we work to strengthen our collective anti-trafficking work.We know from experience that this collaboration has made a profound difference on victims’ lives. As one survivor said about the experience of working with the department and when writing her victim impact statement, “I thank God that there were noble people like you guys to see that justice is served and there to help us and value us, and thanks to you, I had the strength to write this statement.”We’re honored to take a part in this celebration of OVC, its work and its accomplishments over the past two decades and look forward to building on this partnership and continuing the fight in the road ahead as we work to pursue justice for victims and survivors of human trafficking.Thank you so much.
#> changed created date
#> 1 2023-01-27 2023-01-27 2023-01-27
#> 2 2023-01-27 2023-01-27 2023-01-27
#> 3 2023-01-26 2023-01-26 2023-01-26
#> 4 2023-01-26 2023-01-26 2023-01-26
#> 5 2023-01-26 2023-01-26 2023-01-26
#> 6 2023-01-27 2023-01-26 2023-01-26
#> teaser
#> 1 <NA>
#> 2 This murder-for-hire plot directed against a prominent critic of the Iranian regime is yet another chilling example of the violent tactics used to silence those who speak out for the freedoms and safety of people around the world.
#> 3 Good afternoon. Thank you, Kris, for that very kind introduction.
#> 4 Thank you, Kris, for that introduction and for your leadership, which is so powerful, always. I want to say good afternoon to all of you, to Members of Congress, including Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, and to my DOJ colleagues here, and to other esteemed guests.
#> 5 Good afternoon. It is an honor to be here among you all today. Welcome to this anniversary commemoration to reflect on the department’s efforts to advance the nation’s response to human trafficking and for joining us in our enduring cause to help crime survivors find their justice.
#> 6 Good afternoon. And welcome to Members of Congress, including Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Attorney General Garland, Associate Attorney General Gupta, all of our esteemed guests. I am honored to join you in celebrating OVC’s tremendous achievements efforts over the past two decades.\r\n\r\n
#> title
#> 1 Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Delivers Remarks on Charges and New Arrest in Connection with Assassination Plot Directed from Iran
#> 2 Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen Delivers Remarks on Charges and New Arrest in Connection with Assassination Plot Directed from Iran
#> 3 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti-Trafficking Commemorative Event
#> 4 Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti-Trafficking Commemorative Event
#> 5 Director Kristina Rose of the Office for Victims of Crime Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti-Trafficking Commemorative Event
#> 6 Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke for Civil Rights Delivers Remarks at OVC's Anti-Trafficking Commemorative Event
#> url
#> 1 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/deputy-attorney-general-lisa-o-monaco-delivers-remarks-charges-and-new-arrest-connection
#> 2 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/assistant-attorney-general-national-security-matthew-g-olsen-delivers-remarks-charges-and
#> 3 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-merrick-b-garland-delivers-remarks-ovcs-anti-trafficking-commemorative
#> 4 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/associate-attorney-general-vanita-gupta-delivers-remarks-ovcs-anti-trafficking
#> 5 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/director-kristina-rose-office-victims-crime-delivers-remarks-ovcs-anti-trafficking
#> 6 https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/assistant-attorney-general-kristen-clarke-civil-rights-delivers-remarks-ovcs-anti
#> uuid vuuid
#> 1 d840a0c1-26c2-4536-9198-6035b8b9aaa2 6f0316cd-87bf-4c91-a07f-bba1f6cb2716
#> 2 adc58320-2bf6-4638-8c92-d747e2bda82d 5708f353-dc5b-4101-9206-23fb08d0f95d
#> 3 f8447cc9-9c56-4c17-b547-f193dfa16f74 14cd1c70-7343-4423-a472-758ec3ad8649
#> 4 3aa80b01-b38b-4885-8ca6-b9392343d6dc 728b5161-3262-4c95-8171-3f4b53e13033
#> 5 6e0ec4b9-704c-4318-a9fb-7e6f4dd91226 ac4312bf-73da-4803-b3ea-dc9b36e6bfed
#> 6 b3f68cc6-091b-4cf2-bd2b-6d1df37c4ef2 e68c2581-21e0-426e-8291-0b506798138e
#> location.country location.administrative_area location.locality
#> 1 US DC Washington
#> 2 US DC Washington
#> 3 US DC Washington
#> 4 US DC Washington
#> 5 US DC Washington
#> 6 US DC Washington
#> location.postal_code location.thoroughfare location.sub_premise
#> 1 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 2 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 3 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 4 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 5 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 6 <NA> <NA> NA
#> location.phone_number location.phone_number_extension location.mobile_number
#> 1 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 6 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> location.fax_number
#> 1 <NA>
#> 2 <NA>
#> 3 <NA>
#> 4 <NA>
#> 5 <NA>
#> 6 <NA>
#> name
#> 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Division (NSD), Office of the Deputy Attorney General
#> 2 National Security Division (NSD)
#> 3 Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of the Attorney General
#> 4 Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office of the Associate Attorney General
#> 5 Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
#> 6 Civil Rights Division, Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
# Return a dataframe with 15 of the earliest records. Data is not cleaned.
earliest_records <- doj_speeches(n_results = 15, search_direction = "ASC", clean = FALSE)
#> body
#> 1 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1237501/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> 2 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1235626/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> 3 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1235601/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> 4 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1235596/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> 5 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1235591/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> 6 <p>Plain text version of this speech is not available, see the <a href="/atr/speech/file/1235586/download">text accessible PDF version</a>.</p>\n
#> changed created date teaser
#> 1 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 1983-07-20 NA
#> 2 2020-01-22 2020-01-16 1984-01-12 NA
#> 3 2020-01-22 2020-01-16 1984-03-08 NA
#> 4 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 1984-04-05 NA
#> 5 2020-01-16 2020-01-16 1984-06-07 NA
#> 6 2020-01-22 2020-01-16 1984-10-18 NA
#> title
#> 1 Antitrust Law and the Stimulation of Technological Invention and Innovation
#> 2 Current Trends in Antitrust Policy and Their Effect on Small Business
#> 3 Merger Policy Today
#> 4 Patent Licensing: A Fresh Look at Antitrust Principles in a Changing Economic Environment
#> 5 Current Antitrust Enforcement Policy and the Revised Merger Guideline
#> 6 Statement of J. Paul McGrath Concerning Proposed Elimination of the FCC's Seven-Station Rule
#> url
#> 1 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/antitrust-law-and-stimulation-technological-invention-and-innovation-0
#> 2 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/current-trends-antitrust-policy-and-their-effect-small-business
#> 3 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/merger-policy-today
#> 4 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/patent-licensing-fresh-look-antitrust-principles-changing-economic-environment
#> 5 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/current-antitrust-enforcement-policy-and-revised-merger-guideline
#> 6 https://www.justice.gov/atr/speech/statement-j-paul-mcgrath-concerning-proposed-elimination-fccs-seven-station-rule
#> uuid vuuid
#> 1 fb63d26d-1894-4779-a21b-99ee3087c9c1 84a2ad76-14e9-4f90-81e4-354dfb5a2faa
#> 2 90343adc-42f5-48b6-bc02-30a7f1307300 dd01417e-05e5-4529-a4ae-a11b222e8c2b
#> 3 1151efb0-2418-4459-9286-7a78b1ad55da a9d01b9c-38de-4596-af70-b7e97d12f7e2
#> 4 a028b0b5-7dda-411d-8bf9-42d7610b069f a067ac1a-3dae-4c86-af8d-6926a80aafed
#> 5 fb323e1d-4ebb-4141-b5a1-1c219fbb6a4a 19ecd180-6c05-4c8f-b723-e5af4bd918c8
#> 6 f29283ac-0836-40d6-8f01-d224a94ac8b5 6a50b2e4-eb60-443f-bb3b-e1e4e84a42d6
#> location.country location.administrative_area location.locality
#> 1 US CA San Diego
#> 2 US DC Washington
#> 3 US DC Washington
#> 4 US VA Crystal City
#> 5 US NY New York
#> 6 US DC Washington
#> location.postal_code location.thoroughfare location.sub_premise
#> 1 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 2 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 3 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 4 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 5 <NA> <NA> NA
#> 6 <NA> <NA> NA
#> location.phone_number location.phone_number_extension location.mobile_number
#> 1 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 6 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> location.fax_number name
#> 1 <NA> Antitrust Division
#> 2 <NA> Antitrust Division
#> 3 <NA> Antitrust Division
#> 4 <NA> Antitrust Division
#> 5 <NA> Antitrust Division
#> 6 <NA> Antitrust Division