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The refine_metadata function cleans and standardizes Finna metadata by:

  • Validating Required Fields: Checks for the presence of key metadata fields and returns NULL if any are missing.

  • Handling Missing Values: Replaces NA values in critical fields with descriptive placeholder text (e.g., "Unknown Title").

  • Selecting Relevant Fields: Keeps only the following fields for streamlined analysis:

    • Title: The title of the resource.

    • Author: The creator or author of the resource.

    • Year: The publication or release year.

    • Language: The language of the resource.

    • Formats: The format(s) of the resource (e.g., Book, Audio).

    • Subjects: The subject keywords or classifications.

    • Library: The owning library or institution.

    • Series: The series or collection the resource belongs to.





A tibble containing raw Finna metadata.


A tibble with selected, cleaned metadata fields, or NULL if required fields are missing.


sibelius_data <- search_finna("sibelius")
#> Warning: Default limit of 100 records is being used. Specify 'limit' argument for more records.
#> Total results found: 44532
#> Data fetching completed in 0.48 seconds.
#> # A tibble: 100 × 8
#>    Title                   Author Year  Language Formats Subjects Library Series
#>    <chr>                   <chr>  <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr> 
#>  1 Sibelius favourites : … Sibel… 2001  Unknown… Äänite… orkeste… Lapin … Unkno…
#>  2 Sibelius                Tawas… 1997  fin      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Eepos-… Unkno…
#>  3 Sibelius                Tawas… 1997  fin      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Kansal… Unkno…
#>  4 Sibelius                Downe… 1945  fin      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Heili-… Unkno…
#>  5 Sibelius                Downe… 1945  fin      Kirja,… Sibeliu… OUTI-k… Unkno…
#>  6 Sibelius                Tawas… 1968  swe      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Anders… Unkno…
#>  7 SIBELIUS                RINGB… 1948  swe      Kirja,… SIBELIU… Helle-… Unkno…
#>  8 SIBELIUS                TAWAS… 1968  swe      Kirja,… SIBELIU… Helle-… Unkno…
#>  9 Sibelius                Gray,… 1945  eng      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Vanamo… Unkno…
#> 10 Sibelius                Picke… 1960  spa      Kirja,… Sibeliu… Jyväsk… Unkno…
#> # ℹ 90 more rows