Search Finna and Enrich Records with Top Annif Subject Suggestion
This function searches the Finna API for records matching a query and enriches each record with the top subject suggestion from the Annif API.
finna_limit = 10,
annif_project_id = "yso-fi",
annif_limit = 10,
annif_threshold = 0,
annif_language = "fi"
- query
A character string representing the search term for Finna.
- finna_limit
An integer specifying the maximum number of Finna records to retrieve. Default is 10.
- annif_project_id
The project identifier for Annif (e.g., "yso-en"). Default is "yso-en".
- annif_limit
An optional parameter to specify the maximum number of results to return from Annif. Default is 10.
- annif_threshold
An optional parameter to specify the minimum score threshold for Annif results. Default is 0.
- annif_language
An optional parameter to specify the language of subject labels from Annif. Default is "en".