Hourly weather observations from weather stations.
Default set contains hourly air temperature average, maximum and minimum, air relative humidity average, wind speed average, minumum (10 minute average) and maximum (10 minute average), wind direction average, wind gust speed maximum (3 second average), rain accumulated, rain intensity maximum, air pressure average and the most significant weather code. By default, the data is returned from last 24 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given.
- starttime
character begin of the time interval in ISO-format.
- endtime
character end of time interval in ISO-format. data.
- fmisid
numeric FMI observation station identifier (see fmi_stations.
sf object in a long (melted) form. Observation variables names are
given in variable
column. Following variables are returned:
- rrday
Precipitation amount
- snow
Snow depth
- tday
Average air temperature
- tmin
Minimum air temperature
- tmax
Maximum air temperature
- TG_PT12H_min
Ground minimum temperature
The FMI WFS stored query used by this function is
. For more informations, see
the FMI documentation page.
For a complete description of the accepted arguments, see