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Plot a nice map of Denmark with borders at a given level. Options to fill based on area names or color borders are included. A legend guide is shown if less than 15 areas are plotted.


plot_denmark(level = "regions", fill = NULL, color = NULL)



The desired administrative geographic level for the map. Should be one of get_levels()


The desired color for the areas to be filled with. Could be either a R-friendly color (name or hex code) or names to fill based on the area names.


The desired color for the area borders to be colored with. Could be either a R-friendly color (name or hex code) or names to fill based on the area names.


Returns a ggplot object that can be manipulated as any other. The object is automatically printed.


#> → Getting data on `regioner`. This usually takes 10.24s.
#> Fetching data from the API. This will take some time.
#> Reading data to `st`.
#> Converting map data to `sf` object

plot_denmark(fill = "names")
#> → Using cached response.
#> Change this behaviour by setting cache = FALSE