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geodk provides access to Danish geospatial data.


You can install geodk from r-universe with:

  repos = c(
    ropengov = "",

You can install the latest development version of geodk from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


geodk provides three main sets of functions:

  • Data retrieval
  • Plotting
  • Enrichment of statistical data from dkstat

Data retrieval

The package contains a few functions for retrieving data.

The geographic levels not included in their own functions can be accessed through get_geo().


The plotting functions include plot_denmark() which easily plots a basic map of Denmark and returns it as a ggplot2 object for you to edit. It also includes plot_region() and plot_municipality() which plots a subset of Denmark with focus on provided regions or municipalities.

#> → Getting data on `regioner`. This usually takes 10.24s.
#> Fetching data from the API. This will take some time.
#> Reading data to `st`.
#> Converting map data to `sf` object

region <- plot_regions(region = c("Region Nordjylland", "Region Midtjylland"))
#> → Using cached response.
#> Change this behaviour by setting cache = FALSE
municipality <- plot_municipalities(municipality = c("Aarhus", "Favrskov", "Vejle"))
#> → Getting data on `kommuner`. This usually takes 13.13s.
#> Fetching data from the API. This will take some time.
#> Reading data to `st`.
#> Converting map data to `sf` object
region + municipality

Enrichment of statistical data from {dkstat}

The function geodk_enrich() enables you to add appropriate geographic information to statistical descriptions from the dkstat package.

dkstat::dst_get_all_data("laby01") |> 