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Extract embedded information from Finnish personal identity codes (hetu).


  extract = NULL,
  allow.temp = FALSE,
  diagnostic = FALSE,
  as.factor = FALSE



Finnish personal identity code(s) as a character vector


Extract only selected part of the information. Valid values are "hetu", "sex", "p.num", "ctrl.char", "date", "day", "month", "year", "century", "is.temp". If NULL (default), returns all information.


Allow artificial or temporary PINs (personal numbers 900-999). If FALSE (default), only PINs intended for official use (personal numbers 002-899) are allowed.


Print additional information about possible problems in PINs. The checks are "valid.p.num", "valid.ctrl.char", "correct.ctrl.char", "", "", "valid.month", "valid.length", "valid.century". Default is FALSE which returns no diagnostic information.


Makes fields "sex", "p.num", "ctrl.char" and "century" into factors for slightly reduced memory footprint. Default is FALSE.


Finnish personal identity code data.frame, or if extract parameter is set, the requested part of the information as a vector. Returns an error or NA if the given character vector is not a valid Finnish personal identity code.


Finnish personal identity code as a character vector. A correct pin should be in the form DDMMYYCZZZQ, where DDMMYY stands for date, C for century sign, ZZZ for personal number and Q for control character.


sex of the person as a character vector ("Male" or "Female")


Personal number (individual number) part of the identity code


Control character for the personal identity code




Day of the birthdate


Month of the birthdate


Year of the birthdate


Century character determining the century (1800s, 1900s or 2000s) of the person's birth. See details for more information

Does the personal identity code pass all validity checks: (TRUE or FALSE)


Starting from 1st of January 2023, an amendment to the government decree on the Population Information System (128/2010) has expanded the number of available century markers (See references: Valtioneuvoston asetus VM/2022/124) and scrapped some old practices.

For the users of this package the most visible change will be that people born in the 1900s can now be assigned with "Y", "X", "W", "V" or "U", in addition to the old "-" (slash) marker. People born in the 2000s can be assigned with "B", "C", "D", E" or "F", in addition to the old marker, "A". For people born in the 1800s "+" (plus sign) remains the only valid marker. The amendment does not affect already existing personal identity codes.

The change was done to mitigate for the diminishing pool of available, unique identity codes. For historical reasons, the century marker of the code was not always taken into account when determining the uniqueness of the number. This meant that individual number parts were not recycled between people born in different centuries, diminishing the amount of available numbers for people born in the new century. For example, if a female born in the 1st of January 1901 was assigned with the personal identity code "010101-0101" (individual code part "010"), a female born in 1st of January 2001 could not be assigned with the code "010101A0101" because it would contain the same individual code as the person born in 1901 and individual codes could not be recycled. With the amended decree the uniqueness of the personal identity code is considered by looking at the personal identity code as a whole. This means that from now on it would be permissible to have personal identity codes such as "100190-999P" and "100190Y999P" at the same time, denoting two different individuals (see references: Digital and population data services agency announcement).

In practice, codes with new separators will be issued only when the ranges ranges with currently used separators run out. This means that it might take a while until we see people born in the 2000s assigned with the century marker "C" or people born in the 1900s assigned with the century marker "X", as there are still plenty of numbers in ranges "B" and "Y" as well, in addition to some numbers being left in the original ranges of "A" and "-". The first personal identity code with a new separator "Y" was assigned in December 2023 (see Digi- ja väestötietovirasto 2023).

The result of all this is that the hetu package may now give "unrealistic" personal identity codes in the sense that some codes are not yet actually in use. However, it is not the aim of this package to simulate the actual distributions of personal identity codes and their century markers in the population (the actually used and unused codes are unknown to us), but to provide a tool that can be used to extract data from these codes, should the user encounter them at some point. Writing further sanity checks is probably a good idea for people who are interested in detecting unusual patterns in their databases and registries.

See also

pin_ctrl Validating Finnish personal identity codes. rhetu Generating random Finnish personal identity codes.


Pyry Kantanen, Jussi Paananen


#>          hetu  sex p.num ctrl.char       date day month year century
#> 1 111111-111C Male   111         C 1911-11-11  11    11 1911       -      TRUE
#> [1] "1911-11-11"
#> [1] "Male"
# Same as previous, but using extract argument
hetu("111111-111C", extract="sex")
#> [1] "Male"
# Process a vector of hetu's
hetu(c("010101-0101", "111111-111C"))
#>          hetu    sex p.num ctrl.char       date day month year century
#> 1 010101-0101 Female   010         1 1901-01-01   1     1 1901       -
#> 2 111111-111C   Male   111         C 1911-11-11  11    11 1911       -
#> 1      TRUE
#> 2      TRUE
# Process a vector of hetu's and extract sex information from each
hetu(c("010101-0101", "111111-111C"), extract="sex")
#> [1] "Female" "Male"  
# Process codes with new century markers
new_codes <- c("010594Y9032", "010594Y9021", "020594X903P")
#> [1] NA