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hetu 1.1.0 (2024-12-03)

CRAN release: 2024-12-04

  • Add summary method and plot methods for data.frames produced by hetu_diagnostic()
  • Add support for the new century markers that were added in a Finnish government decree 8.7.2022/690 that amended another government decree 25.2.2010/128 (“Government Decree on the Population Information System”).

hetu 1.0.7 (2022-05-16)

CRAN release: 2022-05-21

  • subsetting-parameter (TRUE or FALSE) dropped from hetu_diagnostic() function as it was unnecessary syntactic sugar that was difficult to communicate to users. Similar functionalities can be easily achieved with standard subsetting functionalities found in base R and especially in tidyverse.
  • satu_ctrl_char() parameter for printing whole SATU/FINUID-numbers is now called “print.full” instead of “complement”.

hetu (2022-01-18)

  • Rewritten rpin() function for increased speed
  • Added new function hetu_control_char() both for internal use in other functions as well as convenience (sometimes you know the rest of the identity code and just need to determine the control character)
  • Added support for checking the validity of Finnish electronic Unique Identification Numbers (SATU / FINUID). Two new functions: satu_ctrl() and satu_ctrl_char(), the former works like hetu_ctrl() and the latter works like abovementioned hetu_control_char()
  • hetu() table column name checksum changed to more descriptive ctrl.char. The change also affects related column names in hetu_diagnostic(). This is to illustrate the point that Finnish personal identity code has control characters (numbers and letters) instead of check digits.

hetu 1.0.3 (2021-07-28)

  • Implementing recommendations from goodpractice (whole package) and lintr (hetu.R) for better code legibility
  • Renamed internal objects to make it easier to distinguish between user input (function arguments), internal objects used in intermediate steps and output names for the data table
  • New function hetu_control_char() for easy calculation of control characters when birth date and personal numbers are already known

hetu 1.0.2 (2020-11-23)

  • Moving away from Travis CI to GitHub Actions

hetu 1.0.1 (2020-10-15)

CRAN release: 2020-10-24

  • Build submitted to CRAN
  • More organized vignette, hetu and BID examples separated
  • Minor fixes to hetu_diagnostic() and rbid()

hetu 0.3.1 (2020-10-14)

hetu 0.3.0 (2020-10-13)

  • Optimized functions: generating and handling a large amount of PINs is now much faster (tested with 5.5 million PINs)
  • new bid_ctrl() function for checking the validity of Finnish Business IDs
  • hetu() table column name personal.number changed to shorter p.num

hetu 0.2.4 (2020-09-10)

  • Option to print explicit diagnostics in hetu-function
  • hetu_diagnostic() function for easier viewing of diagnostic information

hetu 0.2.1-0.2.3 (2020-09-09)

  • Updates to pkgdown
  • Improvements to vignette
  • Warning messages and new tests for invalid inputs
  • Fixes in hetu.R in handling temporary / artificial pins
  • Tests for deprecated pin_to_date function
  • Added codecov integration
  • Minor fixes

hetu 0.2.0 (2020-09-04)

  • Added rpin() function for generating random hetu PINs
  • Added ability to handle temporary or artificial hetu PINs (allow.temp, is.temp)
  • Added tests to achieve 100 % test coverage
  • Deprecation of pin_to_date, addition of pin_date()
  • Numerous minor bugfixes and additions to help files and vignettes

hetu 0.1.1 (2012-06-26)

  • Package created based on earlier functions migrated from sorvi