Find and download data interactively from a PXWEB API
Wrapper function (for pxweb_get) to simply find and download data to the current R session.
The function returns a list with three slots:
: The URL to the data
: The query to access the data
: The downloaded data (if chosen to download data)
pxweb_api_catalogue() # List apis
#> $api.scb.se
#> Api: api.scb.se
#> Statistics Sweden
#> ('scb')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, sv
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 10 sec.
#> 110000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://api.scb.se/OV0104/[version]/doris/[lang]
#> $statfin.stat.fi
#> Api: statfin.stat.fi
#> Statistics Finland
#> ('statfi', 'statfin')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, fi, sv
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 10 sec.
#> 120000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://statfin.stat.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $pxwebapi2.stat.fi
#> Api: pxwebapi2.stat.fi
#> Statistics Finland (old version)
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : fi
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 110000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://pxwebapi2.stat.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $statistik.sjv.se
#> Api: statistik.sjv.se
#> The Swedish Agricultural Agency
#> ('jordbruksverket')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sv
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://statistik.sjv.se/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $`fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se`
#> Api: fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se
#> The Public Health Agency of Sweden
#> ('fohm')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sv
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://fohm-app.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/Folkhalsodata/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $statistik.konj.se
#> Api: statistik.konj.se
#> The Swedish National Institute of Economic Research
#> ('konj')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, sv
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://statistik.konj.se/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $prognos.konj.se
#> Api: prognos.konj.se
#> The Swedish national institute of economic research, forecast database
#> ('konjforcast')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sv
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://prognos.konj.se/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $statdb.luke.fi
#> Api: statdb.luke.fi
#> LUKE Natural Resources Institute Finland
#> ('luke')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, fi, sv
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 10000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://statdb.luke.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $vero2.stat.fi
#> Api: vero2.stat.fi
#> Verohallinto - Finnish Tax Administration
#> ('vero')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, fi, sv
#> Limit(s) : 100 calls per 10 sec.
#> 150000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://vero2.stat.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $px.hagstofa.is
#> Api: px.hagstofa.is
#> Statistics Iceland
#> ('statice')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, is
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 1 sec.
#> 10000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://px.hagstofa.is/px[lang]/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $statistik.linkoping.se
#> Api: statistik.linkoping.se
#> Linköping municipality in Sweden
#> ('linkoping')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sv
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://statistik.linkoping.se/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $pxwebb2017.vgregion.se
#> Api: pxwebb2017.vgregion.se
#> Vastra Gotaland Region in Sweden
#> ('vgregion')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sv
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://pxwebb2017.vgregion.se/pxweb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $bank.stat.gl
#> Api: bank.stat.gl
#> Statbank Greenland
#> ('greenland')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, kl, da
#> Limit(s) : 10000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://bank.stat.gl/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $px.rsv.is
#> Api: px.rsv.is
#> Icelandic Centre for Retail Studies
#> ('rsv')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, is
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 1 sec.
#> 10000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://px.rsv.is/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $statbank.hagstova.fo
#> Api: statbank.hagstova.fo
#> Statistics Faroe Islands
#> ('hagstovan')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, fo
#> Limit(s) : 1000000 calls per 1000000 sec.
#> 100000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://statbank.hagstova.fo:443/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $data.ssb.no
#> Api: data.ssb.no
#> Statistics Norway
#> ('ssb')
#> Version(s) : v0
#> Language(s) : en, no
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 60 sec.
#> 30000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://data.ssb.no/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $pxweb.asub.ax
#> Api: pxweb.asub.ax
#> Statistics Aland
#> ('asub')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, sv
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://pxweb.asub.ax/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $makstat.stat.gov.mk
#> Api: makstat.stat.gov.mk
#> State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia
#> ('makstat')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, mk
#> Limit(s) : 30 calls per 1 sec.
#> 10000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://makstat.stat.gov.mk/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]/MakStat/
#> $data.stat.gov.lv
#> Api: data.stat.gov.lv
#> Latvia - official statistics
#> ('csb_lv')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, lv
#> Limit(s) : 100 calls per 10 sec.
#> 3800 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://data.stat.gov.lv/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $statbank.statistica.md
#> Api: statbank.statistica.md
#> Statistics Moldova
#> ('statistica_md')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, ro
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://statbank.statistica.md/pxweb/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $www.pxweb.bfs.admin.ch
#> Api: www.pxweb.bfs.admin.ch
#> Statistics Switzerland
#> ('switzerland')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, de, fr
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 5000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://www.pxweb.bfs.admin.ch/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $`askdata.rks-gov.net`
#> Api: askdata.rks-gov.net
#> Statistics Kosovo
#> ('askdata')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://askdata.rks-gov.net/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $trafi2.stat.fi
#> Api: trafi2.stat.fi
#> Finnish Transport Safety Agency
#> ('trafi2')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, sv, fi
#> Limit(s) : 100 calls per 10 sec.
#> 110000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://trafi2.stat.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $w3.unece.org
#> Api: w3.unece.org
#> United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
#> ('unece')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 100000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://w3.unece.org/PXWeb2015/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $`www.grande-region.lu`
#> Api: www.grande-region.lu
#> Portail statistique de la Grande Région
#> ('grande-region')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : fr, de
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://www.grande-region.lu/pxweb/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $visitfinland.stat.fi
#> Api: visitfinland.stat.fi
#> Visit Finland (Rudolf service)
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : fi
#> Limit(s) : 20 calls per 10 sec.
#> 110000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> http://visitfinland.stat.fi/PXWeb/api/[version]/[lang]/VisitFinland
#> $stat.hel.fi
#> Api: stat.hel.fi
#> Helsingin seudun aluesarjat -tilastotietokanta
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : fi
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 100000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://stat.hel.fi/api/[version]/[lang]
#> $andmed.stat.ee
#> Api: andmed.stat.ee
#> Estonia - official statistics
#> ('stat_ee')
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en, et
#> Limit(s) : 1000 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://andmed.stat.ee/api/[version]/[lang]/stat
#> $pxweb.nordicstatistics.org
#> Api: pxweb.nordicstatistics.org
#> Nordic Statistics Database
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : en
#> Limit(s) : 10 calls per 10 sec.
#> 1000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://pxweb.nordicstatistics.org/api/[version]/[lang]/
#> $pxweb.stat.si
#> Api: pxweb.stat.si
#> SiStat Database
#> Version(s) : v1
#> Language(s) : sl
#> Limit(s) : 100 calls per 10 sec.
#> 10000000 values per call.
#> Url template :
#> https://pxweb.stat.si/SiStatData/api/[version]/[lang]/Data
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "pxweb_api_catalogue" "list"
## The examples below can only be run in interactive mode
## x <- pxweb_interactive()
## x <- pxweb_interactive(x = "api.scb.se")
## x <- pxweb_interactive(x = "https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/")
## x <- pxweb_interactive(x = "https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/")