PX-WEB API Interface for R
Mans Magnusson, Leo Lahti et al.
This R package provides tools to access PX-WEB API. Your contributions and bug reports and other feedback are welcome!
We can find more information on the PX-Web/PC-Axis API here.
PXWEB is an API structure developed by Statistics Sweden and other national statistical institutions (NSI) to disseminate public statistics in a structured way. This API enables downloading and using data from statistical agencies without using a web browser direct over HTTP/HTTPS.
The pxweb
R package connects any PXWEB API to R and
facilitates the access, use and referencing of data from PXWEB APIs.
Available data sources and tools
A number of organizations use PXWEB to distribute hierarchical data. You can browse the available data sets at:
To install the latest stable release version from CRAN, just use:
To install the latest stable release version from GitHub, just use:
Test the installation by loading the library:
A tutorial is included with the package with:
Installation issues
We also recommend setting the UTF-8 encoding since each API may have local specific letters:
Sys.setlocale(locale = "UTF-8")
Accessing PXWEB from R
There are two ways of using the pxweb
R package to
access data, either interactively or using the core functions. To access
data, two parts are needed, an URL to the data table in the API and a
query specifying what data is of interest.
Interactive use
The simplest way of using pxweb
is to use it
interactively, navigate the API to the data of interest, and then set up
the query of interest.
# Navigate through all pxweb api:s in the R package API catalogue
d <- pxweb_interactive()
# Get data from SCB (Statistics Sweden)
d <- pxweb_interactive("api.scb.se")
# Fetching data from statfi (Statistics Finland)
d <- pxweb_interactive("pxnet2.stat.fi")
# Fetching data from StatBank (Statistics Norway)
d <- pxweb_interactive("data.ssb.no")
# To see all available PXWEB APIs use
pxweb_apis <- pxweb_api_catalogue()
In the example above, we use the interactive functionality from the PXWEB API root, but we could use any path to the API.
# Start with a specific path.
d <- pxweb_interactive("https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A")
This functionality also means that we can navigate any PXWEB API, irrespectively of if they are a part of the R package API catalogue or not. Just supply an URL to somewhere in the API and then navigate the API from there.
Due to new CRAN policies, it is not possible to use an R function to
edit the API catalogue of the R package, but editing them can be done
quickly from R using file.edit()
Although, if the pxweb
is installed again, it will
overwrite the old API catalogue. So the easiest way is to add a PXWEB
API to the global catalogue. To do this, do a pull request at the pxweb
GitHub page here.
Direct use
Under the hood, the pxweb package uses the pxweb_get()
function to access data from the PXWEB API. It also keeps track of the
API’s time limits and splits big queries into optimal downloadable
chunks. If we use pxweb_get()
without a query, the function
either returns a PXWEB LEVELS object or a PXWEB METADATA object. What is
returned depends on if the URL points to a table in the API or not. Here
is an example of a PXWEB LEVELS object.
# Get PXWEB levels
px_levels <- pxweb_get("https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/")
## BefolkningNy (t): Population by region, marital status, age and sex. Year 1968 - 2022
## FolkmangdNov (t): Population 1 November by region, age and sex. Year 2002 - 2023
## FolkmangdDistrikt (t): Population by district, Landscape or Part of the country by sex. Year 2015 - 2022
## BefolkManad (t): Population per month by region, age and sex. Year 2000M01 - 2023M11
## BefolkningR1860N (t): Population by age and sex. Year 1860 - 2022
And if we use pxweb_get()
for a table, a PXWEB METADATA
object is returned.
# Get PXWEB metadata about a table
px_meta <- pxweb_get("https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/BefolkningNy")
## Population by region, marital status, age, sex, observations and year
## variables:
## [[1]] Region: region
## [[2]] Civilstand: marital status
## [[3]] Alder: age
## [[4]] Kon: sex
## [[5]] ContentsCode: observations
## [[6]] Tid: year
Creating data queries
To download data, we need both the URL to the table and a query
specifying what parts of the table are of interest. An URL to a table is
an URL that will return a metadata object if not a query is supplied.
Creating a query can be done in three main ways. The first and most
straightforward approach is to use pxweb_interactive()
explore the table URL and create a query interactively.
d <- pxweb_interactive("https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/BefolkningNy")
The interactive function will return the query and the URL, even if the data is not downloaded.
## [1] "http://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/BefolkningNy"
## query:
## [[1]] Region (item):
## 00
## [[2]] Civilstand (item):
## OG, G, ÄNKL, SK
## [[3]] Alder (item):
## tot
## [[4]] ContentsCode (item):
## BE0101N1
## [[5]] Tid (item):
## 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
We can also turn the query into a JSON query that we can use outside R.
pxweb_query_as_json(d$query, pretty = TRUE)
## {
## "query": [
## {
## "code": "Region",
## "selection": {
## "filter": "item",
## "values": ["00"]
## }
## },
## {
## "code": "Civilstand",
## "selection": {
## "filter": "item",
## "values": ["OG", "G", "ÄNKL", "SK"]
## }
## },
## {
## "code": "Alder",
## "selection": {
## "filter": "item",
## "values": ["tot"]
## }
## },
## {
## "code": "ContentsCode",
## "selection": {
## "filter": "item",
## "values": ["BE0101N1"]
## }
## },
## {
## "code": "Tid",
## "selection": {
## "filter": "item",
## "values": ["2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017"]
## }
## }
## ],
## "response": {
## "format": "json"
## }
## }
The second approach is to specify the query either as an R list or a JSON object. Some Statistical Agencies, such as Statistics Sweden, supply queries directly as a JSON object on their web pages. We can use these queries directly. Below is another example of a JSON query for the table above. For details on setting up a JSON query, see the PXWEB API documentation.
"query": [
"code": "Civilstand",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": ["OG", "G", "ÄNKL", "SK"]
"code": "Kon",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": ["1", "2"]
"code": "ContentsCode",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": ["BE0101N1"]
"code": "Tid",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": ["2015", "2016", "2017"]
"response": {
"format": "json"
To use this JSON query, we store the JSON query as a file and supply
the path to the file to the “pxweb_query()
pxq <- pxweb_query("path/to/the/json/query.json")
Finally, we can create a PXWEB query from an R list where each list element is a variable and selected observation.
pxweb_query_list <-
"Civilstand" = c("*"), # Use "*" to select all
"Kon" = c("1", "2"),
"ContentsCode" = c("BE0101N1"),
"Tid" = c("2015", "2016", "2017")
pxq <- pxweb_query(pxweb_query_list)
## query:
## [[1]] Civilstand (all):
## *
## [[2]] Kon (item):
## 1, 2
## [[3]] ContentsCode (item):
## BE0101N1
## [[4]] Tid (item):
## 2015, 2016, 2017
We can validate the query against the metadata object to asses that
we can use the query. This validation is done automatically when the
data is fetched with pxweb_get()
but can also be done
pxweb_validate_query_with_metadata(pxq, px_meta)
Downloading data
When we have the URL to a data table and a query, we can download the
data with “pxweb_get()
”. The function returns a
object that contains the downloaded data.
pxd <- pxweb_get(
## With 4 variables and 24 observations.
If we instead want a JSON-stat object, we change the response format to JSON-stat, and we will get a JSON-stat object returned.
pxq$response$format <- "json-stat"
pxjstat <- pxweb_get(
## {
## "dataset": {
## "dimension": {
## "Civilstand": {
## "label": ["marital status"],
## "category": {
## "index": {
## "OG": [0],
## "G": [1],
## "ÄNKL": [2],
## "SK": [3]
## },
## "label": {
## "OG": ["single"],
## "G": ["married"],
## "ÄNKL": ["widowers/widows"],
## "SK": ["divorced"]
## }
## },
## "extension": {
## "show": ["value"]
## }
## },
## "Kon": {
## "label": ["sex"],
## "category": {
## "index": {
## "1": [0],
## "2": [1]
## },
## "label": {
## "1": ["men"],
## "2": ["women"]
## }
## },
## "link": {
## "describedby": [
## {
## "extension": {
## "Kon": ["Kön"]
## }
## }
## ]
## },
## "extension": {
## "show": ["value"]
## }
## },
## "ContentsCode": {
## "label": ["observations"],
## "category": {
## "index": {
## "BE0101N1": [0]
## },
## "label": {
## "BE0101N1": ["Population"]
## },
## "unit": {
## "BE0101N1": {
## "base": ["number"],
## "decimals": [0]
## }
## }
## },
## "extension": {
## "show": ["value"]
## }
## },
## "Tid": {
## "label": ["year"],
## "category": {
## "index": {
## "2015": [0],
## "2016": [1],
## "2017": [2]
## },
## "label": {
## "2015": ["2015"],
## "2016": ["2016"],
## "2017": ["2017"]
## }
## },
## "extension": {
## "show": ["code"]
## }
## },
## "id": [
## ["Civilstand"],
## ["Kon"],
## ["ContentsCode"],
## ["Tid"]
## ],
## "size": [
## [4],
## [2],
## [1],
## [3]
## ],
## "role": {
## "metric": [
## ["ContentsCode"]
## ],
## "time": [
## ["Tid"]
## ]
## }
## },
## "label": ["Population by marital status, sex, observations and year"],
## "source": ["Statistics Sweden"],
## "updated": ["2023-02-09T07:57:00Z"],
## "value": [
## [2762601],
## [2820248],
## [2870477],
## [2394842],
## [2437315],
## [2477012],
## [1651482],
## [1672460],
## [1687016],
## [1639519],
## [1657129],
## [1671381],
## [99751],
## [99654],
## [99682],
## [345008],
## [340709],
## [335961],
## [417132],
## [420985],
## [425487],
## [540682],
## [546653],
## [553226]
## ],
## "extension": {
## "px": {
## "infofile": ["BE0101"],
## "tableid": ["TAB638"],
## "decimals": [0]
## }
## }
## }
## }
Some return formats return files. Then, these responses are stored in
the R tempdir()
folded, and the file paths are returned by
. Currently, px
formats can be downloaded as files, but file an issue
if you need other response formats.
pxq$response$format <- "px"
pxfp <- pxweb_get(
## [1] "/var/folders/x9/dsgck_4s5mx2nrzzs8zd64rc0000gq/T//RtmpFdmiD7/50026bd2b2d8df2e3f190ca568b3b587d8207465.px"
If the queries are large (contain more values than the PXWEB API
maximum allowed values), the query is chunked into optimal chunks and is
then downloaded sequentially. PXWEB data objects are then combined into
one large PXWEB data object, while JSON-stat objects are returned as a
list of JSON-stat objects, and other files are stored in
as separate files.
For more advanced connections to the API, the
gives the flexibility to access the
underlying HTTP calls using httr
and log the HTTP calls for
We can then convert the downloaded PXWEB data objects to a
data. frame
or to a character matrix. The character matrix
contains the “raw” data while data. frame
returns an R
in a tidy format. This conversion means missing
values (such as “..” are converted to NA
) in a
data. frame
. Using the arguments
and column.name.type
, we
can choose if we want the code or the text column names and value
pxdf <- as.data.frame(pxd, column.name.type = "text", variable.value.type = "text")
## marital status sex year Population
## 1 single men 2015 2762601
## 2 single men 2016 2820248
## 3 single men 2017 2870477
## 4 single women 2015 2394842
## 5 single women 2016 2437315
## 6 single women 2017 2477012
pxdf <- as.data.frame(pxd, column.name.type = "code", variable.value.type = "code")
## Civilstand Kon Tid BE0101N1
## 1 OG 1 2015 2762601
## 2 OG 1 2016 2820248
## 3 OG 1 2017 2870477
## 4 OG 2 2015 2394842
## 5 OG 2 2016 2437315
## 6 OG 2 2017 2477012
Similarly, we can access the raw data as a character matrix with
## Civilstand Kon Tid BE0101N1
## [1,] "OG" "1" "2015" "2762601"
## [2,] "OG" "1" "2016" "2820248"
## [3,] "OG" "1" "2017" "2870477"
## [4,] "OG" "2" "2015" "2394842"
## [5,] "OG" "2" "2016" "2437315"
## [6,] "OG" "2" "2017" "2477012"
Access data footnotes/comments
In addition to the data, the PXWEB DATA object may also contain
comments for the data. This can be accessed using
pxdc <- pxweb_data_comments(pxd)
In this case, we did not have any comments. If we have comments, we
can turn the comments into a data. frame
with one comment
per row.
Finally, if we use the data, we can easily create a citation for a
object using the pxweb_cite()
function. For full reproducibility, please also cite the package.
## Statistics Sweden (2024). “Population by region, marital status, age,
## sex, observations and year.” [Data accessed 2024-01-27 16:19:42.712139
## using pxweb R package 0.16.3],
## <https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/BefolkningNy>.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Misc{,
## title = {Population by region, marital status, age, sex, observations and year},
## author = {{Statistics Sweden}},
## organization = {Statistics Sweden},
## address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
## year = {2024},
## url = {https://api.scb.se/OV0104/v1/doris/en/ssd/BE/BE0101/BE0101A/BefolkningNy},
## note = {[Data accessed 2024-01-27 16:19:42.712139 using pxweb R package 0.16.3]},
## }
## Kindly cite the pxweb R package as follows:
## Mans Magnusson, Markus Kainu, Janne Huovari, and Leo Lahti
## (rOpenGov). pxweb: R tools for PXWEB API. URL:
## http://github.com/ropengov/pxweb
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Misc{,
## title = {pxweb: R tools for PX-WEB API},
## author = {Mans Magnusson and Markus Kainu and Janne Huovari and Leo Lahti},
## year = {2019},
## }
Known issues and troubleshooting
See TROUBLESHOOTING.md for a list of current known issues.
This work can be freely used, modified and distributed under the open license specified in the DESCRIPTION file.
Session info
We created this vignette with
## R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.20.so; LAPACK version 3.10.0
## locale:
## time zone: UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] pxweb_0.17.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] vctrs_0.6.5 cli_3.6.2 knitr_1.45 rlang_1.1.3
## [5] xfun_0.42 stringi_1.8.3 purrr_1.0.2 textshaping_0.3.7
## [9] jsonlite_1.8.8 glue_1.7.0 backports_1.4.1 htmltools_0.5.7
## [13] ragg_1.2.7 sass_0.4.8 rmarkdown_2.25 evaluate_0.23
## [17] jquerylib_0.1.4 fastmap_1.1.1 yaml_2.3.8 lifecycle_1.0.4
## [21] memoise_2.0.1 stringr_1.5.1 compiler_4.3.2 fs_1.6.3
## [25] systemfonts_1.0.5 digest_0.6.34 R6_2.5.1 magrittr_2.0.3
## [29] checkmate_2.3.1 bslib_0.6.1 tools_4.3.2 pkgdown_2.0.7
## [33] cachem_1.0.8 desc_1.4.3