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sotkanet 0.10.1 (2024-07-10)

CRAN release: 2024-07-10


  • New functions: sotkanet_cite() for citing datasets (issue #16, PR #17 by @Allaht2) and sotkanet_interactive() for interactively downloading datasets (issue #20, PR #21 by @Allaht2).
  • New dependencies / imports: move from using httr package to httr2 package (issue #19, PR #24 by @Allaht2). Other new imports are lubridate, RefManageR, digest, frictionless and magrittr.
  • Added new versions for functions GetDataSotkanet, SotkanetRegions, SotkanetIndicators and SotkanetIndicatorMetadata. The new version are called get_sotkanet, sotkanet_regions, sotkanet_indicators and sotkanet_indicator_metadata. The old versions of different functions are kept without deprecation messages or warnings, but users are gently encouraged to use the new functions (issue #18, PR #25 by @Allaht2)
  • Functions get_sotkanet, sotkanet_regions, sotkanet_indicators and sotkanet_indicator_metadata have support for caching (issue #14, PR #21 by @Allaht2). They also now support English and Swedish in addition to Finnish (issue #9, PR #21 by @Allaht2). *get_sotkanet can return a frictionless datapackage with metadata added in (issue #15, PR #21 by @Allaht2).


  • Remove dependencies / imports: httr and jsonlite
  • Removed function try_GET


  • Updated vignette and README to use new versions of the functions. Old vignette is retained.
  • Added Finnish version of the vignette as an article (issue #10, PR #24 by @Allaht2).
  • Moved from using PascalCase naming convention to using snake_case for new functions (issue #18).
  • Function get_sotkanet() has default years value of NULL that gives the data from all the available years for the dataset (issue #12, PR #24 by @Allaht2).
  • The default value for genders is now c("male", "female", "total") (issue #22, PR #24 by @Allaht2).
  • New region.category supported by the API, YTA (“yhteistyöalue”) now mentioned in relevant function documentation (PR #26 by @Allaht2)

sotkanet 0.9.79 (2022-02-01)

CRAN release: 2022-02-01


  • Functions pointing to external resources (sotkanet.json_query() and sotkanet.csv_query()) should now fail gracefully. New internal functions are in R/http_funs.R
  • New dependencies / imports: httr package for handling URLs and error messages and curl package for internet connection testing. jsonlite for handling data from json files
  • Http functions now include information on user agent. The default is “rOpenGov/sotkanet” to help API providers track package usage but it can be changed in relevant functions: GetDataSotkanet(), SotkanetIndicators() and SotkanetRegions().


  • Removed internal functions: GetDataSotkanetSingleIndicator and SotkanetData.
  • Removed dependency / import: rjson
  • Deleted unused function: base_url


  • Functionalities from GetDataSotkanetSingleIndicator and SotkanetData are now embedded in one function, GetDataSotkanet().
  • Some files in ./R/ folder have been renamed for better legibility: internal.R to SotkanetCollect.R and sotkanet.R to SotkanetRegions.R
  • New alias for downloading indicator metadata: SotkanetIndicatorMetadata() (usesSotkanetIndicator(id))
  • To help save bandwidth, when provided with a predefined list of indicators, SotkanetIndicators() now downloads metadata individually instead of fetching and subsetting the whole indicator dataset.
  • Vignette will no longer fetch external resources on CRAN.
  • Package license clarified: BSD 2-clause instead of FreeBSD

sotkanet 0.9.76 (2021-04-29)

CRAN release: 2021-05-03

  • Adding rmarkdown to Suggests
  • Minor fixes before CRAN submission (broken URLs etc.)
  • template updated to pkgdown-specifications

sotkanet 0.9.72 (2021-04-12)

  • Getting rid of RCurl dependencies
  • Updated roxygen documentation

sotkanet 0.9.48 (2017-05-16)

CRAN release: 2017-05-16

  • CRAN release version

sotkanet 0.9.13 (2015-06-23)

  • base url change into https
  • reorganized R file structure

sotkanet 0.9.12 (2015-06-06)

  • tutorial updates

sotkanet 0.9.11 (2015-06-04)

  • Updated README
  • Cosmetic changes to vignette
  • Renamed tutorial

sotkanet 0.9.09 (2015-05-20)

  • Improved documentation
  • Polished package structure
  • Stabilized erroneous URL handling

sotkanet 0.9.01 (2013-12-16)

  • Package separated from sorvi