Created: 2017-07-20 12:34:18

Manipulating the existing exercises

Corrections, translations and additions are more than welcome for existing exercises that reside as yaml-files in ./data-folder. Yaml-format was chosen as it is easy to manually type even through Github website.

Each exercise block must contain, at minimum, the following fields

- id: extra_create_character_vector
  domain: extra
  lang_en: "Create a character vector containing words `one` and `two`"
  ans: c("one", "two")


col description optional
id must be a unique identifier for that exercise required
domain must refer to the domain exercise is part of. For clarity each domain has been splitted into its own file! required
grade a qualitative description of how challenging the exercise is like easy, moderate or difficult optional
lang_en the question in at least one language at least one language required
extra Some extra notation for the particular exercise, for instance a preformatted table of how the output should look like. optional
ans the correct answer required

For multiple languages and altertive correct answers you can do for instance:

- id: extra_data_structure_dataframe
  domain: extra
  grade: easy
  lang_fi: "Luo data ydinasevaltioista, niiden presidenteistä/valtiopäämiehistä ja väestömäärästä (ks."
  lang_en: "Create data of states with nuclear weapons, with presidents/heads of state and population (see"
  lang_se: "Skapa tabell över stater med kärnvapen, med presidenter och befolkning"
  lang_ru: "Создать таблицу государств с ядерным оружием, с президентами и населением"
  extra: |
        ## Data should look like this!
        ##             country         president population
        ## 1      United States      Donald Trump       1234
        ## 2 Russian Federation    Vladimir Putin       1234
        ## 3             France François Hollande       1234
        ## 4     United Kingdom      Elisabeth II       1234
        ## 5              China        Xi Jinping       1234
  ans: |
        data.frame(country = c('United States','Russian Federation','France','United Kingdom','China'),
                    president = c('Donald Trump','Vladimir Putin','François Hollande','Elisabeth II','Xi Jinping'),
                    population = c(1234,1234,1234,1234,1234),
        # Or
        dplyr::data_frame(country = c('United States','Russian Federation','France','United Kingdom','China'),
                    president = c('Donald Trump','Vladimir Putin','François Hollande','Elisabeth II','Xi Jinping'),
                    population = c(1234,1234,1234,1234,1234))
        # Or
        ~country, ~president, ~population,
        "United States","Donald Trump",1234,
        "Russian Federation","Vladimir Putin",1234,
        "United Kingdom","François Hollande",1234,
        "France","Elisabeth II", 1234,
        "China" ,"Xi Jinping", 1234

Adding new exercises into existing domains

You can add you exercises into existing domains just by following the guidelines above. Leave the final line empty in the yaml-file! Please make a pull request into Github if you think they would benefit someone else too!

You must re-build the package to make the additions available.

Adding new domains with new exercises

To make the most out of your R-courses it is good idea to create your own set of questions spesific to your domain or organisation. If you think they are useful for other, please make a pull request and we will incorporate them with the package. If they are tailored for your organisations internal it-environment its probably better to keep them private and out of the public repositories.

To add a new domain with exercises just create a new yaml-file in /data folder and fill in the content in yaml-format such as:

- id: extra_unique_id_for_this_particular_exercise
  domain: extra
  grade: easy
  lang_en: "How to shutdown R?"
  lang_fi: "Miten sammuttaa R?"
  lang_se: "Hur stänger du av R?"
  lang_ru: "Как выключить R?"
  lang_fr: "Comment arrêter R?"
  lang_nl: "Hoe wordt de R uitgeschakeld?"
  lang_de: "Wie man den R herunterfahren kann?"
  ans: q()

Once you re-build the package the new domain with new exercises is at your disposal!

Process as a gif